"Lightning Boy!" is known for his Super Speed! He is never without his deadly lightning bolts, which when thrown sends bolts of electricity into the air! This hero is well liked and his charming ways allow him to negotiate with the most stubborn villain!
"Girly Girl" is known for her girly ways and instincts! She has a shopping bag full of secret weapons...including: Lipstick, which looks innocent, but can produce deadly darts; a Hair Dryer, which has a super wind feature, that can blow you onto another planet; Ribbon, which is as strong as steel and can whip any Super Villain into place; Perfume, easily disguised as a powerful poison spray; Hair Brush, which shoots out laser beams and fries you to a crisp; Nail Polish, when applied can tickle out the darkest evil secret! This hero may look cute and dainty, but bad guys beware!
"Super Girl" aka: "Girly Girl's Sidekick" (she couldn't make up her mind!) is known for her super strength and beauty! This hero has the ability to stare you down with her ice cold eyes and freeze you instantly! She is also sneaky and quiet, and if you aren't watching closely than your valuables might disappear, never to be seen again!! :)
that's cute.
I wanna be girly girl. I need some of that stuff in her shopping bag
I love the first picture of Anna... it's so her. :) She makes me smile.
Cute:) I want to start super hero day at our school. Im PTA president... I should have some clout right?
You're kids look so happy. I can tell you have a wonderful family. I am happy for you!
too cute! I love that first pic of Anna. It made me smile. :)
HA! I love it. I want to be a superhero too! Or maybe a semi-evil genius; I just don't know which. I must have a cape either way. Yes, I know what Edna Mode has to say about that, but I still really want one.
I love Edna Mode. I had a quote from her in my classroom forever:
"Luck favors the prepared"
I still love that quote,it's so exactly what I wish every student would take to heart.
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