However, I would like a little input...the arrangement of the pictures and furniture need help!!
PROBLEM #1: I think the sailboat pictures are too big/tall above the piano (they are just leaning on the piano right now...I would hang them, not lean them). Should I swap the sun/vase/ picture frame /lantern ensemble for the sail boat pictures? I do like the silhouette the sun ensemble makes above my hutch....sorta a triangle. However, the hutch is shorter, so the sailboat pictures might look good above could look too top heavy?? I don't know?? Any ideas?? Perhaps something I haven't thought of.
PROBLEM #2: Also, the furniture arrangement...I like the set-up, but I'm not loving all the dark furniture at one end, and the light couch at the other end...think I should swap the couch and the chairs?? Also, does anyone think I need drapes?? What color?? Any other ideas?? :)
I love the piano Emily :) We too have an antique piano. It was built in 1883.... and is awesome. Mathew has tuned it as best he could with some special piano tuning tools his mother passed down that were his grandfathers. Kind-of of fun thing. Have you tried swapping the piano and the hutch?
The piano is great. I would swap the pictures and the sun/vase stuff. I think the furniture is fine but maybe do some green drapes to match your pillows and that would break up the darkness of the furniture. I think it looks better to have the chairs in the middle of the room rather than the couch. Looks good though!! Glad it worked out with the piano mover. :)
It's a great piano and looks nice with your other things. The rule used to be that a piano belonged on an inside wall to prevent moisture from bothering it. I think we have better insulation now, so that is probably no longer an issue. I think Amy is right, though. If you switched the piano and the hutch, the piano wouldn't divide the room in half, and the hutch would look pretty closer to the couch. The piano is your largest piece of furniture. The other thing, is that if you have something lighter on the wall above it, you can use the top of it for seasonal decorations that are a little heavier. Especially at Christmas, the top of an old piano looks so nice with greens or garland of some kind. What a nice addition to your room. Every home needs a piano when there are children who can learn to play.
Just took another look. The piano is smack in the middle of your conversation area. I truly think it belongs where the hutch is, and the conversation area will be better without the piano in it. And adding a little color around the windows would weight down that couch as well. That's a good idea too.
I need help in my own house so I wouldnt be any help to you. love the piano though. One time I heard that pianos should not be on an house side wall because of the coldness of it and tuning of the piano. I dont know if thats true?
Call me and we can chat. Love the piano!! :)
Yay for a new piano! Every home should have one. I'm always a fan of drapes & like Ashley's idea about a green color. PB sells velvet drapes that I think would look smokin' in that room with all the other textures & colors & they'd coordinate well with your PB sofa.
We had a blast with you guys at WW! So glad we got to do that, & Amelia's face is PRICELESS on that coaster!!!!
I think for sure you should swap the vase and the pictures. It all looks so pretty. My vote is for green drapes too! :)
I love craigslist!! We got our piano for free, just had to pay for a good tuning once we got it home. As for placing furniture and stuff, I am so much more helpful in oerson than through pictures, guess I am a hands on type. Anyhow good find! And I personally have a thing for antique piano's so I think your's is beautiful, very good condition! ours was built in 1896
being your auntie and living on Maui, you need color!!! some bright color. Perhaps not in the drapes, but pillows. Use the green in the colors. My thought is that the piano needs an old fashion ticker(?). You know the one that keeps time while you practice. practice? what is that? Perhaps a quilt on the couch. Should I get on that one too? Is this a room for listening only? more formal? ok, so: not much on the piano, only the ticker and color.
love, Aunt Penny - Auntie Penny
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